ERP Solution For Automotive Industry

Global automotive vehicle production will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. Manufacturers are faced with the growing demand for electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles and mobility. The deep focus on customer satisfaction remains. Recalls and quality-related issues can negatively impact the original equipment manufacturers’ (OEMs) brand. As a result, the supply chain is under increased pressure to transform the organization while maintaining profitability, providing high quality products and delivering on-time.
The Automotive industry multiple processes like procurement, assembly, painting, testing, delivery, etc. All of these processes are unique to manufacturing companies and therefore, need a solution that can help the companies streamline and look at all the processes as a standalone system. ERP frameworks can clearly help accomplish this objective and rethink significantly one’s organizational progress.

Quick Benefits

  • Create one information flow for working team
  • Execute proactive policy without vendors’ and clients’ references
  • Reduce production costs, improve product and customer service quality and increase pay-offs simultaneously
  • Keep under control activities and efficiency performance of all departments wherever they are located
  • Make much more considered business decisions basing them on accurate analytical data
  • Analyze financial parameters instead of controlling whether all of them are added.
Thus, give your Automotive industry the reliability and power of ERP, to enhance its productivity while keeping up with safety and quality as well as a cautious approach towards Store management and distribution planning, thereby enhancing sales performance in the long run.

Let us have a look at some of the key features of ERP for Automotive

  • Quality control management thanks to which it is convenient to track product and customer service quality in real time, notice occurring problems and correct them timely ensuring in such a way high quality standards of automobiles and customer relations.
  • Inventory management that allows coping with relevant operations giving a platform for efficient inventory planning.
  • Electronic document database where all documentary work is sorted and there is no necessity to keep tons of papers.
  • Finance management system with the help of which all financial and accounting data are sorted in one place available at any time and, as a result, financial information is managed more effectively.
  • Human resource management that reduces time spent on administrative work as it provides companies with specific modules dedicated to employee contact information, performance evaluation, working hours and duties, etc.
  • Service management that controls after sale support of clients sorting their latest demands and requirements and tracking timely service.
  • Order management system where customers’ orders are visible which gives an opportunity to analyze purchasing history and be prepared for the succeeding contacts with a client.
  • Sales management where sales and marketing activities are comprised and automotive businesses can take measures promptly to improve sales effectiveness.
  • Automobile maintenance that gives a full picture on equipment state.
  • Integration with communication channels to keep in touch with clients and colleagues.